Privacy Policy

Tokyo Techies ("We", "Our", the "Company") will ensure the privacy of Kotae (Our "Service") users’ ("Customers") by establishing the following private policy (This "Policy") and ensuring that all employees recognize the importance of protecting personal information.

1. Personal Information

Personal information applies to information that can be used to identify a specific individual, such as the name or birthdate, as defined in Japan’s Act on the Protection of Personal Information (個人情報保護法) (Act No. 57 of 2003, "Act").

    2. How We Use Personal Information

    We will collect personal information from customers and use such information for the following purposes. If we intend to use personal information beyond the scope of the following items, we will obtain prior consent from the customer in an appropriate manner.

    1. To verify and manage customers when first registering, as well as while using our service.
    2. To improve and enhance the contents of our service, or for the development of new services.
    3. To announce new features, updates, campaigns, etc., (using emails and other direct messages).
    4. To notify customers for maintenance, changes in terms and conditions, etc., as necessary.
    5. To respond to inquiries and other voices from the customers.
    6. To report information about customer usage of our service.
    7. To ask customers for participation in questionnaires, interviews, or events related to our service and to report back results from such cases.
    8. To analyze a customer’s usage history for further improvement and development, as well as for advertising purposes.
    9. To provide personal information (with the customer’s consent and/or application) to companies and organizations participating in our events.
    10. To identify and refuse further usage of our service to customers who violate the terms or attempt to use our service for fraudulent and unfair purposes.

    3. Management and Protection of Personal Information

    Personal information shall be strictly managed and shall not be disclosed or provided to any third party without the consent of the customer, except in the following cases.

    1. When the information is necessary to protect the life, body, or property of an individual, and it is difficult to obtain the customer’s consent.
    2. When the information is necessary to improve public health or to promote safe development of the youth, and it is difficult to obtain the customer’s consent.
    3. When a national agency, a local government, or an entity entrusted by either group requests for the usage of the information to execute affairs prescribed by law, and in which obtaining customer consent may impede the execution of such affairs.
    4. In the event of business succession due to merger of companies, corporate separation, transfer of business, etc.
    5. When permitted by other laws and regulations.

    4. Entrustment of Personal Information Management

    We may entrust all or a part of managing personal information to a third party to achieve the purpose of using your information. In such cases, we will thoroughly examine the eligibility, confirm confidentiality obligations, and conduct necessary and appropriate supervision over the party to be entrusted.

      5. Use of Cookies, etc.

      1. Our service uses Cookies to receive information about the customer’s access, browsing information, and device used to access our service. Such information received by Cookies (“Cookie information”), do not contain any information that alone can be used to identify or specify the customer.
      2. If you do not wish to allow cookies to be used, please disable cookies in your browser settings. Please note that if cookies are disabled, the convenience of our service may be impaired and/or the scope of our services provided may be restricted.
      3. We will use cookie information for the purpose of operating, maintaining, and improving the quality of our service, as well as developing and improving our products and services, and delivering advertisements tailored to you.

      6. Disclosure of Personal Information

      When we receive a request from a customer (limited to the customers themselves) for the disclosure of their own personal information held by us, we will provide such information without undue delay. However, if the disclosure of such information will result in any of the following, we may decide not to share a part of or all of the information. In such a case, the customer will be notified without undue delay.

      1. When there is a risk that the life, body, property, etc of the customer or a third party will be harmed.
      2. When there is a risk that our operations will be significantly hindered.
      3. If disclosing the information will violate any laws or regulations.

      7. Correction of Personal Information

      1. If a customer’s personal information is incorrect, the customer may request to correct, add, and/or delete ("Corrections") the information.
      2. Upon receiving requests for corrections, we will conduct necessary investigations and correct the information once it is deemed necessary.
      3. If we decide to or decide not to make any corrections based on the investigations, we will notify the customer without undue delay.

      8. Suspension of the Use of Personal Information

      1. Customers may request us to suspend the use of, delete, or stop the information from being entrusted to other parties ("Suspensions ).
      2. Upon receiving requests for suspensions, we will conduct necessary investigations and suspend the information once the request is deemed valid. However, if the suspension will lead to large expenses or is otherwise difficult to implement, and when an alternative measure can be taken to protect the rights and interests of the customer, the alternative measure will be taken.
      3. Based on the investigations mentioned above, we will notify the customers whether the suspension will be held or unheld without undue delay.

      9. Procedures for Changing the Privacy Policy

      We will review and improve the contents of this policy accordingly. The contents of this policy may be changed anytime, unless otherwise restricted by law or other policies within this policy. The revised policy shall be effective once the customers have been notified or the notice is posted on our website.

        10. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

        We will comply with Japanese laws, regulations, and other norms that apply to the personal information we are responsible for.

          11. In Response to Complaints and Inquiries

          We will accept any complaints and inquiries regarding our management of personal information and will respond in an appropriate manner without undue delay. We will also respond promptly and appropriately for any customer requests to disclose, correct, add to, delete, or refuse the use of their personal information.

            12. Safety Control Measures

            We will restrict access to personal information files, record access logs, implement security measures to avoid unauthorized access, and take other organizational, physical, personnel, and technical measures to prevent the loss, destruction, alteration, and the leakage of personal information. In the unlikely event of an incident involving the leakage of customers' personal information, we will promptly report the incident to the regulatory authorities in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law. We will also take necessary measures to prevent similar incidents from recurring. For more information on our security control measures, please reach "Article 13 (Contact for Inquiries)".

              13. Address, Representative, and Personal Information Protection Manager

              Our address, representative, and the personal information protection manager are as follows:

                Address:Toa Building 4F, 1-13-8 Higashi Ueno, Taito-ku, Tokyo
                Representative:Duc DoBa
                Personal Information Protection Manager: Duc DoBa

                14. Contact Information

                If you have any inquiries regarding our management of personal information, please contact us at the following address:

                  Tokyo Techies Corp. Customer Service Contact:
                  Toa Building 4F, 1-13-8 Higashiueno, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-0015, Japan
                  By email, use the contact form.