Choose the best plan for you

See our simple and affordable pricing plans, adaptable to your needs.



4,000 questions per month

10 Files

Website Scraping up to 1,000 pages

Up to 1000 custom FAQs

All chatbot history


Let's discuss

Unlimited questions

Unlimited files

Unlimited pages of website scraping

Unlimited custom FAQs

All chatbot history

24/7 'High Priority' support

Possibility to discuss OEM service

Let Kotae be the answer for you!

Meet customers where they are
Keep qualified leads warm with instant responses. Kotae delivers fast and accurate responses 24/7, providing contextual answers grounded in your company's knowledge base.
You have full control
Enhance Kotae's intelligence over time by leveraging chat history, adding more training data, and creating your own FAQs to override AI responses. Customize Kotae's appearance to seamlessly fit your brand.
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